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By clicking on the 'Pay Now' button, I agree to the following conditions

The content for which the payment is made can only be accessed through the ‘Rati Beauty’ mobile app downloaded from playstore/appstore. I will use the same google ID to login as the one I am using here for payment. Note: Application works on iOS version(12 and above) and android version (4.4 and above)

The payment once made is non-refundable and non-transferable.

By clicking on the 'Pay Now' button, I agree to the following conditions

The content for which the payment is made can only be accessed through the ‘Rati Beauty’ mobile app downloaded from playstore/appstore. I will use the same google ID to login as the one I am using here for payment. Note: Application works on iOS version(12 and above) and android version (4.4 and above)

The payment once made is non-refundable and non-transferable.

By clicking on the 'Pay Now' button, I agree to the following conditions

The content for which the payment is made can only be accessed through the ‘Rati Beauty’ mobile app downloaded from playstore/appstore. I will use the same google ID to login as the one I am using here for payment. Note: Application works on iOS version(12 and above) and android version (4.4 and above)

The payment once made is non-refundable and non-transferable.

By clicking on the 'Pay Now' button, I agree to the following conditions

The content for which the payment is made can only be accessed through the ‘Rati Beauty’ mobile app downloaded from playstore/appstore. I will use the same google ID to login as the one I am using here for payment. Note: Application works on iOS version(12 and above) and android version (4.4 and above)

The payment once made is non-refundable and non-transferable.

By clicking on the 'Pay Now' button, I agree to the following conditions

The content for which the payment is made can only be accessed through the ‘Rati Beauty’ mobile app downloaded from playstore/appstore. I will use the same google ID to login as the one I am using here for payment. Note: Application works on iOS version(12 and above) and android version (4.4 and above)

The payment once made is non-refundable and non-transferable.

By clicking on the 'Pay Now' button, I agree to the following conditions

The content for which the payment is made can only be accessed through the ‘Rati Beauty’ mobile app downloaded from playstore/appstore. I will use the same google ID to login as the one I am using here for payment. Note: Application works on iOS version(12 and above) and android version (4.4 and above)

The payment once made is non-refundable and non-transferable.

By clicking on the 'Pay Now' button, I agree to the following conditions

The content for which the payment is made can only be accessed through the ‘Rati Beauty’ mobile app downloaded from playstore/appstore. I will use the same google ID to login as the one I am using here for payment. Note: Application works on iOS version(12 and above) and android version (4.4 and above)

The payment once made is non-refundable and non-transferable.